Recent news includes Chris becoming a board member of The Coincidence Project (TCP), an international collaboration to promote awareness about synchronicity and its potential benefits. See the TCP Participation page for forthcoming and recorded free seminars on synchronicity. See below for details.
Regularly updated news follows the international release of the second edition of Chris’s book, entitled The Positive Psychology of Synchronicity: Enhance Your Mental Health with the Power of Coincidence in August, 2019.
Please also visit our Chris Mackey and Associates’ website, for information on mental health issues and the Chris Mackey, Psychologist and Author Facebook Page for information and articles about synchronicity and other topics. For videos on synchronicity and mental health topics, see the Chris Mackey Psychology YouTube channel.
Coincidence Project’s Board Meets in Chicago
Chris joined other members of the board of The Coincidence Project (TCP: The Coincidence Project) to plan activities for the coming year. You can read about our plans in the attached newspaper article. This includes the introduction of local synchronicity encounter groups, one of which will be established in Geelong in coming months. More information about how prospective participants may apply will be available at this website soon and at the Chris Mackey and Associates’ Facebook page.
.Podcast on How to Separate Synchronistic Experiences from Psychosis
Chris was interviewed for this Connecting with Coincidence podcast with Dr Bernie Beitman on the theme of differentiating synchronistic enlightenment experiences from psychosis. The podcast is colourfully subtitled, “Are Coincidences Driving you Crazy?” Many people, including many mental health professionals, cannot tell the difference. It can have serious negative consequences if people’s meaningful mystical experience is mistakenly confused with severe mental health problems. As Dr Beitman identified, in this cast the adaptive nature of the synchronistic experiences Chris described was revealed in the objective benefits that resulted from him deliberately inducing this mystical mental state.
Webinar on The Positive Psychology of Synchronicity
Chris presented a webinar on The Positive Psychology of Synchronicity at 8pm on Friday, 22nd September for the invited monthly lecture of the Jung Society of Melbourne. In the webinar he will describe how being receptive and attentive to meaningful coincidences can enhance our sense of connection, life purpose and wellbeing. Click here for info and registration details.
Webinar on How to Separate Synchronistic Experiences from Psychosis
Chris presented a webinar on differentiating synchronistic experiences from psychosis on Wednesday 29th August (see recording here) It was presented as part of the monthly speaker series for TCP: The Coincidence Project. Further information on that and other past and future presentations can be found at the TCP Participation page.
Many people feel overwhelmed when they first experience an avalanche of amazing coincidences and wonder whether they are going crazy. However, this can be a valid transpersonal experience that is little understood. Concerns about this issue are commonly raised by correspondents to this website as well as to other board members of The Coincidence Project. This webinar recording may help make sense of such experiences and clarify why they should not be mistaken for serious psychiatric problems.
Psych Spiels and Silver Linings podcast celebrates 100 episodes
Chris and Rowan recently posted the 100th episode of their podcast, Psych Spiels and Silver Linings, which focusses on positive mental health and an optimistic view of addressing mental health problems and challenges. The podcast draws on Chris’s experience of over 40 years as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist combined with Rowan’s skills as a professional podcaster with a background in sports journalism, highlighting the overlap in principles for positive wellbeing and sport performance. Numerous episodes relate directly or indirectly to synchronicity, including the following:
Synchronicity and Psychology (ep. 24)
(Positive Psychology, Science and Synchronicity (ep. 25)
Separating the Psycho-spiritual from Psychosis (ep.37)
The sustenance of spiritual experience (ep. 38)
Synchronicity supporting life choices (ep. 61)
Soaring with Synchronicity – feat. Lisa Buksbaum (ep.93)
Promoting Synchronicity in Ten Steps (ep.94)
Benefits of Sharing Sacred Stories (ep.98)
Belief in Ghosts is it Irrational? (ep. 99)
Free Seminar on Synchronicity, Spirituality and Thriving
Chris co-presented a seminar on this topic with Lisa Buksbaum, Founder and CEO of Soaringwords, at 8:30am Wednesday 15th March AEDT (Melbourne time) and 5:30pm Tuesday 14th March EST (New York time). This was the first in a series of monthly seminars offered through The Coincidence Project (TCP), an international collaboration involving authors and others with relevant expertise and interest in synchronicity. For updates on future activities, click on the TCP Participation page.
The Coincidence Project
The Coincidence Project (TCP) is an international collaboration involving authors and others with relevant expertise and interest in synchronicity. It was founded by Dr Bernard Beitman, psychiatrist and author from Virginia, U.S.A., who has written extensively on meaningful coincidences and hosts the podcast, Connecting with Coincidence. Chris has been an inaugural board member of the project since July, 2022. The Coincidence Project encourages people to share their stories of synchronicity via the TCP website with the goal of increasing awareness of the nature and potential benefits of meaningful coincidences.
Our Launch Party was held from 11am to 12:30pm on Saturday, February 18 EST (New York Time), which equates to 3am on Sunday, February 19 AEDT (Melbourne time).
The Project’s vision is “Illuminating the Invisible Currents that Connect and Unify Us”,
Our mission is “to educate the public about meaningful coincidences and to encourage people to share their stories of meaningful coincidences, serendipity and synchronicity, in order to inspire a leap forward in the evolution of human self-awareness: individually, interpersonally and collectively.” We aim to accomplish this mission through research and hosting gatherings, seminars, and discussion groups both online and in person.
Positive Psychology Documentary
Chris has been involved as a psychologist consultant in a film documentary, How to Thrive, on limited national cinema release throughout Australia in October, 2022. The inspiring film documents the progress of seven Australians facing significant mental health struggles whilst drawing on positive psychology during a pandemic. See this newspaper article for more details. Click here for details of advance screening times and locations and other ticket information.
Podcast on Propinquity
Chris did a third podcast interview with Dr Bernie Beitman, a psychiatrist from Virginia, US, on his Connecting with coincidence podcast in April, 2022. Click here for a YouTube video of the podcast interview on Synchronicity and Propinquity. Propinquity is a form of synchronicity that includes thinking of others we have not seen for a long time and having them contact us out of the blue soon afterward. It suggests that we are more deeply and mysteriously connected with others than we generally recognize. Other examples of propinquity can be found in Chris’s blog, Synchronicity-in-a-jar.
Positive Psychology presentations
Chris presented two video presentations at the 2021 World Congress of the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA), held virtually on July 16-18. The presentations were based on clinical case studies and were entitled, Drawing on Synchronicity in Psychological Therapy and Drawing on Synchronicity to Promote Client Wellbeing. This followed his workshop presentation with Pninit Russo-Netzer on Forging New Frontiers: Spirituality, Synchronicity and Positive Psychology, at the IPPA Evidence In Action Conference on Thursday 18th March, 2021.
Synchronicity workshop
Chris presented a webinar on The Positive Psychology of Synchronicity on Thursday 19th November as the final webinar in 2020 for the APS College of Clinical Psychologists. See workshop details here. The popularity of the topic was reflected in 700 people registering for the webinar and many leaving favourable reviews, mainly expressing appreciation that such a topic was covered in the ongoing education series. Many psychologists posted accounts of synchronistic experiences in the chatbox throughout the webinar. Chris will compile some of these stories into a future blog.
Chris’s new podcast on positive psychology
Chris and his son, Rowan, started a new podcast in early 2020 called Psych Spiels and Silver Linings. It is based on a science-based and optimistic approach to psychological themes. Several episodes have focussed on synchronicity or related themes, and can be accessed by clicking these links for Synchronicity and psychology, Positive psychology, science and synchronicity and Separating the psycho-spiritual from psychosis. See the episode pages for links to articles on synchronicity and other related materials.
Live webinar and podcast interviews
Chris has been interviewed for podcasts based in London, Los Angeles and Bangalore over the past six to twelve months including the Primal Happiness podcast (ep.305), Thinking Psychologist podcast (ep. 12), the P.S. Younger Self podcast (September 22), and a recorded “Dreaminar” webinar on The Positive Psychology of Synchronicity.
Podcast interview with Dr Bernie Beitman
Chris did a second podcast interview with Dr Bernie Beitman, a psychiatrist from Virginia, US, on his Connecting with Coincidence podcast on Thursday 4th June, 2020. Click here for the podcast link on The Positive Psychology of Synchronicity with Dr Beitman.
National Allied Health Award
Chris received the 2019 Australian Allied Health Impact Award on 21st September for his clinical research and media presence and for authoring The Positive Psychology of Synchronicity. (Click here for details of the Australian Allied Health Awards)
Melbourne Book Launch on 9th October, 2019
Click here for book launch video. The public book launch for The Positive Psychology of Synchronicity was held in the Kenneth Myer Building at Melbourne University on Wednesday October 9th. The evening was a great success with about 70 people attending.
TV Interview on Today Extra
See TV interview. Chris was interviewed about his book and meaningful coincidences on Channel 9 TV program Today Extra on Friday 11th October, 2019.
New Facebook Page
Chris has recently an author Facebook page entitled, Chris Mackey, Psychologist & Author. See Facebook Page here.
ABC 774 Radio interview with Libbi Gorr
Libbi Gorr interviewed Chris about synchronicity for a second time on Sunday 22nd September (listen to recording here). We discussed how meaningful coincidences can promote positive emotions and a sense of connection, meaning and life direction. Listeners called to describe their own experiences with coincidences.
Audiobook recorded
Chris recorded the audiobook for The Positive Psychology of Synchronicity, which was released on 1st October by Bolinda Publishing (you can order audiobook in CD or MP3 format here).
London Book Launch Tour
See London book launch talk here.
Chris and Rowan visited London for ten days to meet with the editors of The Positive Psychology of Synchronicity, Fiona Robertson and Bob Saxton, as well as other authors, Watkins marketing staff and readers. A highlight of the tour was Chris’s talk and book signing at Watkins Bookstore, the oldest spiritual and mystical bookshop in Covent Garden, London.
Second edition of Synchronicity released on 13th August, 2019
Chris’s book, The Positive Psychology of Synchronicity: Enhance Your Mental Health with the Power of Coincidence was released internationally by Watkins Publishing on 13th August 2019. This second edition highlights how synchronicity relates to the field of positive psychology and how helpful it can be in psychotherapy. Chris will visit London for the book launch at Watkins bookshop at 6:30pm on Friday, 6th September. For details on the book launch and to book a place, click here. You can also contact Chris via the contact page.
Chris presented workshop at World Congress on Positive Psychology
Chris presented a one-hour workshop at the World Congress of Positive Psychology in Sydney on Sunday 21st July, entitled Drawing on Synchronicity in Therapy: A Positive Psychology Intervention. He also presented a research poster entitled “Therapy outcome evaluation of symptoms and wellbeing in a large psychology practice” and presented with Angie Hilton on the TV wellbeing show, Destination Happiness.
Fortnightly radio segment continues on 93.9 Bay FM
Chris has continued his fortnightly radio guest spot on “Talking Synchronicity” with Roxie Bennett and Daryl Reader on Bay FM 93.9 Geelong for a third year. The segment usually airs around 5:40pm. Here are our previous 2019 podcasts.
Listeners are invited to call in on Ph: 52299939 and share their synchronistic experiences.
Destination Happiness TV show going ahead for Season 3
Chris continues to be the resident psychologist for the TV wellbeing show, Destination Happiness, which will run for a third season this year. Chris presents the Happy Minds segment for the show, which will again screen nationally on Channel 9 on Saturdays at noon from early September. to November. See previous Destination Happiness TV segments.
Visit to Watkins in London
Chris visited Watkins Publishing, his book publisher, in London on Thursday 30th August, 2018 where he made nine brief videos on synchronicity posted here. The highlight of his visit was meeting Bob Saxton and Fiona Robertson (pictured below), his editors for both the first and second edition. Watkins commissioned a second edition soon after Chris’s visit.
Feedback about the book
It would be great to hear your feedback about the book, or about your own experiences of synchronicity, via the contact page of this website.
For those who have read the book, it would be really appreciated if you would consider posting a review on Amazon. Many of the comments show that the book is reaching its intended audience with the benefits that were hoped for (See Amazon reviews). Understandably, there are also some vocal skeptics.
Presentation at APS Conference
Chris presented a workshop on How to draw on synchronicity in therapy at the 2018 Congress of the Australian Psychological Society in Sydney on Friday, 28th September, 2018. There was a very positive response from the 25 psychologists who attended.
Science and Spirituality Conference
Chris attended the Science and Spirituality conference on June 2018 at Nanaimo on Vancouver Island. Presenters included Bruce Lipton, a father of epigenetics, Joe Dispenza, an expert on placebo effects, Gregg Braden, a geologist who challenges prevailing views on evolution and Lynne McTaggart, a journalist who has amassed considerable research on telepathic healing. All presenters are well versed in quantum physics principles and their potential application to healing. Chris has posted information from the conference on our Chris Mackey and Associates’ Facebook Page.
Radio interview with Libbi Gorr
Chris did a radio interview with Libbi Gorr on ABC 774 radio Melbourne on Sunday 15th April, 2018. We discussed how synchronicity can promote a sense of meaning and connection and promote wellbeing. Listeners calls helped illustrate this.
Panel appearance with Martin Seligman
Chris appeared on a panel with Dr Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology, on Monday 16th April at Geelong Grammar School. Topics discussed including the potentially greater importance of acknowledging a spiritual dimension in life in positive psychology as well as mainstream psychology more generally.
Podcast interview with Dr Bernie Beitman
Chris did a podcast interview with Dr Bernie Beitman, a psychiatrist from Virginia, US, on his Connecting with Coincidence podcast on Friday 23rd February, 2018. Click here for Chris’s interview on Synchronicity and Positive Mental Health with Dr Beitman.
Synchronicity segment on Destination Happiness
Chris did a synchronicity segment and interview with Angie Hilton on Episode 9 of the TV wellbeing show, Destination Happiness, on Saturday 21st October 2017 at noon on Channel 9.
Chris a regular presenter on new TV wellbeing show
Chris was a regular presenter on Destination Happiness, a new TV show aired at noon on Saturdays on Channel 9 across Australia from September to November 2017. Repeats have been available for a month afterwards on 9Now on the internet (Click here for episode 13 on which Chris and Angie Hilton, the main presenter, review the first series). Chris presented the “Happy Mind” segment each week, involving brief tips based on the science of positive psychology. Check out the Destination Happiness website and the Destination Happiness Facebook Page for more information on the show which is likely to have a second season next year.
Fortnightly radio segment
Chris has continued throughout 2017 with his radio guest spot at 5:40pm every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month with Roxie Bennett and Daryl Reader on Bay FM 93.9 Geelong. Listeners are invited to call in and share their synchronistic experiences. Listen to past episodes on the Bay FM website or on our synchronicity blog. The segment has also focused on tips from positive psychology. The last radio segment for 2017 was on 22nd November and can be accessed below. The segment will likely return in February 2018.
Article on Transformative Change
Chris’s invited article on “Synchronicity and Transformative Change” was published in the May 2017 (Summer) edition of The Cygnus Review. See book review on Synchronicity in the Cygnus Review.
Local talks in Geelong
Chris was the May guest speaker on synchronicity for Geelong Sustainability/Life Learning group on Thursday 25th May,2017. He was also guest speaker at the Belmont branch Probus meeting on Monday 6th February and in at the Geelong West branch on Friday, 12th May.
Media coverage
Chris’s magazine articles on synchronicity include:
The Cygnus Review magazine in the UK (p.6 of Summer 2017 edition of Cygnus Review)
Soul and Spirit magazine in the UK (see Soul and Spirit article)
Live Happy magazine in the US (see Live Happy article).
Living Now magazine in Australia (see Living Now article).
Radio interviews
Beyond 50 radio in Oregon, US (Beyond 50 radio interview)
Byron Bay FM, Australia (Byron Bay FM interview)
Dr Pat radio program in Seattle, US (Dr Pat radio show)
German edition of Synchronicity
Synchronizitat, the German edition of the book, was released by Crotona Publishing on 24th October, 2016.
In late December Chris visited Peter Michel of Crotona near Munich and the Watkins staff in London, including editor Fiona Robertson.
Free public talk at Geelong library
Chris offered a booked-out talk on positive psychology and synchronicity at the Geelong library on Thursday 27th October, 2016. It was the second of four talks in a weekly series entitled “Geelong leads the way for wellbeing”, in collaboration with staff at the Positive Education Institute and Hero Town Geelong.
Presentation at Melbourne Jung Society
Approximately 100 people attended Chris’s 19th August 2016 talk on “Synchronicity” at the C G Jung Society of Melbourne. To watch the full 90-minute video, click here.
Book signing and talk at TS Bookshop
Chris was the October guest speaker at the Theosophical Society Bookshop in Melbourne on Saturday 22nd October, 2016.
Presentation at World Congress on Positive Psychology
Chris presented a poster at the 4th World Congress on Positive Psychology in Florida, USA, in June 2015. The poster, and accompanying article, is entitled “Drawing on synchronicity as a heuristic in the therapy setting”. See article
Synchronicity movie – Time is Art
Chris was guest speaker at the Australian premiere for the film, Time is Art: Synchronicity and the collective dream, in Melbourne on Saturday 13th February, 2016. Over 300 people attended the screening. The Time is Art website features a number of Chris’s blogs.
Book reviews
For those who have read the book, it would be great if you would consider posting a review on Amazon, as that is one of the best ways to let people know about it. The book is currently rating 4.5 stars on Amazon reviews, and many of the comments show that the book is reaching its intended audience with the benefits that were hoped for.
If any organisations wish to review the book for their members, please contact us at our contact page on this website so that we can arrange for a book to be sent to you.
Availability for interviews
Chris is happy to conduct interviews on any themes from the book. Any requests can be directed to Chris via our contact page at this website.
Conference presentation
Chris presented a paper on client case examples of synchronicity at the World Congress of Behaviour and Cognitive Therapies in Melbourne (June 22-25, 2016), illustrating how such experiences could represent key turning points in therapy. Chris has presented posters on Synchronicity in Treatment at other conferences including the 4th World Congress on Positive Psychology in Orlando, Florida, in June 2015. See article on poster here. Synchronicity conference article.
In the meantime, I wish you the best of synchronicity! Thanks again for visiting this site. Regards, Chris.